Monday, July 8, 2013

7-7-13 Redwood

Maureen and Cherry were going to ride the horses, so I had a free day for hiking. There had been a heat wave all the past week with record-breaking temperatures, but it had finally cooled down. I thought it might still be pretty warm inland, so I decided on a nice shady hike in Redwood. I chose another Trails Challenge trail there, one that is rated "challenging". Since it was a Sunday, I knew there would be lots of people and dogs there, so I left Darby at home. As I was leaving, seeing his pleading eyes, I almost changed my mind, but it was good that I didn't because it turned out that there were lots of potential dog problems on the trail.

It was perfect weather for hiking, and it was very pleasant walking up the stream trail, enjoying the sunlight filtering down through the big redwoods. I was even thinking that maybe this hike was too easy and I should have chosen something more difficult, but that soon changed when I neared the head of the canyon and started up the Tres Sendas Trail, which climbs very steeply. I turned left onto the French Trail, which continues to climb steeply. This part of the park is a favorite, steep ravines with big redwoods and lush ferns, but it is hard on the legs. The trail climbs over high spur ridges and drops into hollows several times before it becomes a bit more gentle, contouring along about midway up the side of the canyon. Looking down, the steep slopes appear endless, the redwoods disappearing far below. I had expected to see lots of people on the Stream Trail, but I was surprised at the number that I passed on the French Trail, which takes some work to get to. I guess the nice weather brought them out. After what seemed like a long ways, I came to the Orchard Trail which headed very steeply down into the canyon to complete the loop.

I was surprised when I looked at the GPS app on my phone and it said I had covered 7.79 miles. The Trails Challenge booklet says it is 6.57 miles.

7.8 miles, 1250 ft. climb.

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